We all know about Hawaii's love addiction to SPAM. If you don't, now you do- Hawaii buys and eats more spam than any other state in the country! According to SPAM, they sell over 7 million cans a year to Hawaii alone! The love for SPAM(that is now tied into their culture) started in WWII when G.I.'s would pack that can in their back pack and not worry about refrigeration and the long shelf life din't hurt either. It's like a dark little secret if you actually like it. Normally, when you mention SPAM, you can prepare yourself for a wrinkled nose followed by an annoying "eeeewwwwwww". Why is that? Go ahead and try- tell some people at work that you love SPAM and watch the reaction. After eating SO MUCH SPAM the G.I.'s came back and never wanted to see the salty canned meat ever again, and to this very day.....on the mainland....it carries a negative connotation. Even if people have never ate the stuff, you'll get that same reaction.
SPAM comes in a TON of flavors. Go ahead, give em all a try. My personal favorite, green chile SPAM!
In Hawaii though...the SPAM comes alive! SPAM Loco Moco, Spam Musubi, SPAM and eggs, deep fried SPAM, you name it Hawaii eats SPAM with it. Here at the Tiki Terrace, we use spam in a couple of items. But if you want a real treat, ask for a spam loco moco. It's not on the menu but we'll make it! We used to offer a lot of SPAM items on our menu, but most mainlanders gave us that wrinkled nose look followed by the "eeewwww". We'll still try to turn you onto the Spam though, we're not giving up! After all, ever hear the saying"when in Rome"? Well, when in Hawaii!
Spam Musubi- the beloved snack of the Islands. Once you try, you'll never go back!
The Tiki Terrace serves Island style food and pairs it with a luau entertainment! We do shows every Wed, Fri and two on Saturday! Give us a call and check it out! And please give our FB page a like to keep up with fun articles about all things Hawaiian!